XML data can be easily transformed into any display format you like, using XSLT. 使用XSLT可将XML数据轻松转换成您喜欢的任何显示格式。
We parsed a known format of binary mem dump in Linux, and used structs from Python to read the binary data dump and display it in a readable format. 我们解析了Linux系统中一个众所周知的二进制mem转储格式,使用了Python中的struct实用工具来读取二进制数据转储并以可阅读的格式进行显示。
A Unicode database only stores character data in Unicode format, and it does not display the data in Unicode format. Unicode数据库只以Unicode格式存储字符数据,并不以Unicode格式显示数据。
Display and accept local number format with JWL 显示和接受本地JWL的数字格式
It also can display queue activity in a graph format. 此外还能以图形的格式显示队列活动。
Understanding object files requires a set of tools that can read the various portions of the object file and display them in a more readable format. 要了解目标文件,需要一组可以读取目标文件中不同部分并以更易于读取的格式显示这些内容的工具。
Consider an application that needs to display several result sets in HTML format. 考虑一个应用程序,这个应用程序需要以HTML格式显示多个结果集。
The other problem is that the conversion of the data into the display format is complex. 其次,将数据转换为显示格式也相当复杂。
Reports initially display in HTML format, but after a report is rendered you can redisplay the report in a different format such as Excel or pdf. 报表一开始以html格式显示,但在呈现报表之后,您可以用不同的格式(例如,excel或pdf)重新显示报表。
The display driver on this computer cannot display this information in bitmap format 这台计算机上的显示驱动程序无法以位图格式显示这条信息
No online display fee for this format. 没有这一个格式的在线展览费用。
If you use the in-place or summary display options, you can format the error message text using html. 如果使用就地显示或摘要显示选项,则您可以使用html设置错误信息文本的格式。
Add formatting to display the number in currency format. 添加格式设置以便用货币格式显示数字。
Requests text to display in a portion of the format string described as a callback field 请求在称为回调字段的部分格式字符串中显示文本
Display number in legal format without a trailing period 以合法、没有句号结尾的格式显示数字
And the ItemMonitorService has an operation "display" using the following format 而ItemMonitorService的“显示(display)”操作使用以下格式
You enter custom formatting characters to define a display format. 输入自定义格式设置字符来定义显示格式。
Notice that the measure does not display in a standard currency format. 注意,未以标准货币格式显示该度量值。
Secondly, the data returned as a result of the model without any display format, so these models can also be directly applied to the use of interfaces. 其次,由于模型返回的数据不带任何显示格式,因而这些模型也可直接应用于接口的使用。
Click a format to display the format codes you can select. 单击一个格式可显示可选的格式代码。
To reset display to STN format, enter SET PATENT STN. 到重新设定对STN格式的展览,进入组专利权STN。
Ergonomic Experimental Research of the Display Format of HUD Ground-Air Data Transferring Command in New Fighter 新型歼击机平显地空数传指令显示方案的工效学实验研究
We have to do is to study the display format of each entry and its HTML code, and then replaced on the line as required. 我们要做的是研究每个条目的显示格式和它的HTML代码,然后根据需要上线所取代。
With the application of integration differential method, the kinematic equation and absorption boundary under free boundary condition are integrated. Based on Gauss theorem, the second order display format for acoustic travel in 2D heterogeneous isotropic medium is obtained. 利用积分差值法,将运动方程、自由边界条件上的吸收边界条件进行积分,根据高斯定理,得出二维非均匀各向同性介质中的声波传播的二阶显式格式。
Human factor in the display format design; 显示格式设计中的人因技术;
The Recursive Algorithm for Converting the Display Format in Digital Scan Converter Display Devices 数字扫描变换器中显示制式变换的递推算法
In this paper the authors outline how to read and display models of 3ds format files in OpenGL, and expatiate upon the mathematical foundation and programming methods on how to rotate the model at will. 论文简述了如何在OPENGL中读入和显示3ds文件中的模型,并着重阐述通过鼠标拖动对其进行自由旋转的数学基础和编程实现的方法。
Describing the common display format of sonar display in detail that is all-scene, fan-scene, A-type and range-azimuth etc. 较为详细地描述了声呐显示器常用的显示格式,例如:全景、扇面、A型、振幅-方位等。
With a rapid development of new display devices and television format, there are lots of different standard formats in video field. It is essential to convert different video formats in order to achieve communication. 随着各种新型显示设备、新的电视广播格式的发展,目前在视频领域内存在大量不同的格式标准,为了实现不同格式视频信号之间的交流,视频格式转换变得不可或缺。
Based on MDA, the system realizes custom display format for the report, as well as data calculation rules, and can generate various data report fast and conveniently. 4. 基于MDA思想实现了报表自定义展示格式,以及数据计算规则,能够快捷、方便的生成各类数据报表。